What we do
So...what do we do all week up here in the Alaskan Bush....were a fedex overnight package takes 3 weeks to get to us, and Fedex still believes they lost it LOL......
We Play!
Animal tea party this evening while dinner was cooking. Poor zebra was belted in the baby carrier with "Snickerdoodle guy" (formerly know as Where's Waldo)

She needed a little help finishing this one, but it was a lot of fun. I remember doing tanagrams in 3rd grade GT classes, so I in no way expected her to be able to by herself. But it was still a lot of fun and was a great way to introduce some geometry concepts. I am going to outline all the other animals from the book and we can play with those on some of the long rainy days here.

We Play!
Animal tea party this evening while dinner was cooking. Poor zebra was belted in the baby carrier with "Snickerdoodle guy" (formerly know as Where's Waldo)

Princess! She even made me put her hair up like the "princess on tv has" and was sorely disappointed that her knot was not bigger. I had to explain that there pretend hair is thicker and longer and that unfortunately that was the best I could do.

Having fun with the Lincoln Logs I got at the community yard sale. She LOVES them.....Christmas idea :)
We picked this book up at the library the other week. Fabulous spin off of the Three Little Pigs.... these are 3 other little pigs in another village and the Big Bad Wolf's cousin Big Brad Wolf. Along the way they meet magical animal (mad from tanagrams) who give them 7 magic shapes and a warning to use them wisely. We had a lot of fun exploring the book and it was a great way for me to introduce the Tanagram set I have had since college to A.

While we were at my mom's this summer, I found this old set of telling time flash cards that I used when I was a kid. The best part about this set is the cards that make up the giant clock. A has been telling time on the hour for quite sometime now, and can read a digital clock with a fair amount of ease, but we pulled these out and begin working on minutes this week. She had a blast constructing the giant clock, and it was nice to see her enjoying something from my childhood.

A got out her letter and word tiles this week while I was cooking dinner, and she wrote me this sweet note.

We Craft!

We Craft!
We decided to make a fall garland with beads and felt leaves. I found the idea here. She has a great blog with tons of beautiful craft ideas. A and I both had a great time with this one.

The finished product. We have one garland hanging from the entry way window (this is the one A made) and one hanging from the double windows in the living room. They turned out great and add such a wonderful burst of fall color.

On Wed. we made a wreath. The night before I cut out leaves from foam craft paper and A had fun gluing them on. I added the bow from ribbon she picked out of my ribbon stash. It turned out so pretty it is now hanging in the living room, and will stay up all fall :)
