A whole new meaning to playing with your food...and other musings

This weekend was great (besides the injury to DH's finger). We met our new neighbors when we picked them up from the airport on Thursday and enjoyed hanging out with them all weekend. I am really glad that such nice people moved in downstairs with us. I just hope A bouncing around the house all day doesn't drive them up the wall LOL. (The live below us)

Anyway, Friday A and I showed them the ropes on blueberry picking, and then when DH came home we headed out to the beach for a bonfire and dinner. A had a lunchable as an appetizer since it took a while to gather driftwood, start a fire, and cook. Next thing I knew, she had made this wonderful creation!
Gives a whole new meaning to playing with your food :) LOL

We were so blessed that the herd of wild horses were standing right where we were going to park. To round the bend and see these awesome creatures was amazing. Our neighbors were floored. We luckily had apples to cute up and give them....
But they are persistent little buggers, and when we ran out of treats, they took turn licking the top of my car!
They stayed out by my car for house, even when we headed to the bonfire site. But every time we walked back to the car they would get very excited. They know who has the treats! Smart horses. As the sun started to sink lower in the sky, we heard a low rumbling, and looked up to find this magnificent site!

A perfect weekend.

On the last note...Here is a shot of DH's finger with the bandage off. It is still hurting him but he is coping, Poor baby

PS- it's late, I am tired, and I am not proofreading, so please ignore any spelling errors :)
