I made honey!
I made honey! This was SO awesome. I found this recipe in the Alaskan Berry book I picked up at the local museum that is put out by the agriculture cooperative. Anyway, Fireweed Honey....also known as homesteader's honey. It was so simple. I hope I made enough because the fireweed is pretty much gone. Although I am wondering if I should try to make one more batch.
So I picked fireweed blossoms, red clover, and white clover...all pretty much from my yard. Beautiful blossoms!
I added them to the hot sugar water and let them steep for 15 mins, then strained the liquid and poured into readied canning jars and processed...
The beautiful results! Taste exactly like honey. DH was so amazed that he kept telling his friends about it and even giving my small jars away! I told him he can't give anymore away, I only have 5 pints left LOL.