An Icy Day and a Lingonberry Apple Pie with Vanilla Vodka Crust
Another cold day here....but today we woke up to ice. About 2 inches coated the few trees on the island, as well as all the cars and streets. It took Dh 45 mins to chisel the ice off the car enough to drive.
The windows to my house looked like they were frosted. A layer of thick ice still sits on them, and now it is snowing.
So A and I decided it was a great day to stay inside, be warm, and try out a new recipe. Many of you will remember that A and I spent the fall stocking up on berries. We have quite a few batches of Lingonberries (mountain cranberries) that I really didn't know what to do with besides make muffins. Well I follow a great blog written by a woman in Nome, Alaska and she posted this recipe.
I adapted it a little. I added some flax seed to the crust recipe and used unbleached flour. I didn't have vanilla vodka so I used regular and a splash of vanilla extract.
I have been trying to steer away and limit our use of white sugar so I substituted sugar in the raw, (one of the few options available here. I am going to play around with some other substitutes when I place an order from amazon).
A sliced the apples and helped me , and it turned out AMAZING!
This was my first time ever making my own crust from scratch and I have to say I am pretty impressed with myself. It seriously helped that my mom gave me the tip for putting on the top crust. Roll it loosely around the rolling pen and then sort of roll it onto the top of the pie. Magic! LOL

I invited my neighbors up and together we ate half the pie. It was a hit with everyone!
If you don't have lingonberries you can substitute cranberries from your local grocery store, but it won't be quite the same. I am tempted to have the leftovers for breakfast tomorrow ;)
We are warming up a little this week, but it will probably just mean more ice. I tried to take Ansley out today and we couldn't even stand. To walk the dog, I have now taken to sitting on my bottom and letting her pull me across the yard while I yell "weeeeee!" LMAO. It's either that or break a bone falling :) Hope yall warm up soon and that the fuel shipment gets to yall without any problems. We saw it here filling up before it left and DH played hockey with some of the coasties who are leading it.