Louisiana Widlife

So since we are in Louisiana I thought I would post some pics of the wildlife we have been seeing...... Ok, just kidding, that is the Alfred, not wildlife, although he came from the swamps of SC. Found him roaming wild and saw him get hit by two cars. With ticks the size of quarters and heartworms, he was truly a wild dog....but look at him now. LOL.

Okay, on to the wildlife....

These ducks and geese are as big as my 3 year old! And they come right up expecting food. If you brought none....you better RUN!

A was infatuated with this. I am not exactly sure what they are called. I think I remember them as katidids when I was a child. I know they leave their shell and I used to find these all over growing up...and you can hear them in the trees all day long. This shell still had the animal in it.

A found this inch worm while at the splash park and begged to bring it home.....it stayed there LOL

We took A fishing a couple of times. Here she is with daddy...he cast the line for her....

But I think her favorite part was playing with the worms!

Her first fish....I can't say she really hooked him though LOL. Look closely you will see the worm is still on and the hook is not through the fish mouth....yep not sure how she did it, but she snagged him on the side and reeled him in LOL

Beautiful Ducks

Her second fish. This time a real catch.

The famous NUTTRIA. Also known as river rats. You know I never saw these growing up until Tom and I went on our honeymoon and took a swamp tour in South Louisiana. Apparently they have moved up here too now.
Look at his orange teeth!!!!!!!! Very freaky when he is standing a few inches from you.

Louisiana giant catfish! She said " I wish the fish I caught was this big!"

The Louisiana Black Bear! Stuffed of course. She loved this thing.

You can tell we have been having fun. Took A fishing at a local lake today, and it was awesome. She caught over 15 in an hour and a half. Pics to follow.
