The "real Alaska" part 2- Alaska Sea Life Center
We are loving our time in the "real Alaska"! It is just so beautiful. And it is nice to finally be warm! The temps have been in the 60's and low 70's with gorgeous clear skies the entire time we have been here.
Today we headed down to Seward. It's a little over a 2 hour drive from Anchorage. Of course I had to stop and take some pics along the way. I got a new telephoto lens for my camera that I have been wanting for so long. It's my birthday and Christmas present for this coming year :) So happy early birthday and Merry Christmas to me! Trust me this is worth it for the pics I will be able to take in Denali later this week!
Anyway, back to the scenery on this beautiful ride down there.
Look.... trees! See what living on a treeless island will do to you?! I am tree crazy now! LOL
We finally made it to Seward....took a little longer with all my picture taking, but DH was wonderful and indulged me and didn't seem to mind stopping ever 10 mins for me to get out and snap more picks. What a great guy!
It was lunch time and we were starving by the time we made it we stopped at a little restaurant overlooking Resurrection Bay.
Then we headed to the Alaska Sea Life Center. This place is AMAZING!
These Steller Sea Lions were huge! I don't think I ever realized how big they actually are.
Playing with the starfish.
Salmon Fry...aka the babies.
The best part for A had to be without a doubt seeing the harbor seal! This little guy was so friendly and just wanted to play. It followed her everywhere. Now she wants one for a pet. Uh-Oh LOL
We finished by viewing an underwater kelp forest. Definitely cool.
It was a great day. When we left we decided it would be awesome to hike to a glacier...stay tuned! LOL