Today I am thankful

Today I am thankful.

Thankful for the medicine which is starting to improve my breathing even though it has made me feel not the best.

Thankful for a good nights sleep. I could breath through my nose last night for the first time all week.

Thankful for my husband who took the afternoon off and took A and Bella out in the tundra to play on this beautiful day so I could rest, and who cooked a wonderful dinner for us and is now watching a movie with A while I rest in bed.

Thankful for the wonderful compliment I received in the grocery store today. A woman organizing a fundraiser for the Unalaska Visitor Bureau sought me out to let me know that she had many inquiries into weather they would have my artwork at the auction (They won't. I was out of town) and that this is not the first time she has heard so much raving about my work. She told me that I need to sell my work as well. Definitely thinking about that now. I love painting and creating. It is my release, so why not. Just some things to pray about.

And thankful for the beautiful sun melting (hopefully) the feet of snow out my window!

So yes, today I am thankful.
