My Brownie
Well the internet is finally working, so over the next few days I will be showing you what we have been up to lately.
A is a Brownie this year and earned her first two badges last week!
If your familiar with girl scouting and are scratching your head trying to figure out what the two badges are, it's because they are unique to Alaska. She earned the dog sledding badge and the traditional food badge. She was so proud. Especially of that dog sled one since she is absolutely obsessed with all things dog sledding!
Our troop has started a recycling project and we are trying to get the word out to people in the town. All the girls worked on posters that will be hung around town.
Here is A's- The RECYCLE was written by one of the Juniors, but she wrote and decorated the rest.
This week we had one of the boy scouts come and talk to us about survival skills and fire starting.
One of the wonderful thing about out troop is we meet all together- Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors. We break into groups to work on our own things, but often we all share moments like this and it is wonderful to see the older girls sharing their knowledge and helping out younger troop members.
The girls even wrapped up in an emergency blanket that they all thought was pretty cool.
We've been having lots of fun! Stay tuned tomorrow for what our school weeks have been looking like!
Good night all.