Our week in review

I am a little late on this, seeing as it is almost Tuesday, but I am trying to keep a running list of what we do each week for my homeschool records. This past week was my first week of doing this. I thought I would share on here. Our homeschool day at the moment starts around 10:00-10:30 in the morning and we are done right around 12:30 if not earlier. As A gets older, we will of course add more time, but for now this works great. We also tend to have one day a week off where we do very little homeschooling. This is whatever day we just need a day off, or life gets in the way, and if not, it is on Friday :)

Anyway, enough talk, here is what we did this week...

-Review last weeks words
-Introduction and pretest of this week word
rake, tree, leaf, leaves, turkey, corn, pumpkin, pie
-Continents and Oceans
-identified and named continents on globe
-geography worksheet on oceans and the use of the compass rose
-Discussed previous knowledge of pilgrims
-Traced pilgrim ocean voyage on map
-Listened to a reading of "The Pilgrims of Plymouth"
-What makes 11- Turkey worksheet
-addition and subtraction with regrouping
-greater than/less than -triple digits
-greater than/less than -equations
-review spelling
-A read aloud "Miles and Miles of Reptiles"
-Compared characteristics of reptiles and amphibians
-Named examples of reptiles and amphibians
-Named and located continents on globe
-What makes 12- turkey worksheet
-addition and subtraction with regrouping
-simple multiplication problems
-greater than/less than with fractions

-reviewed spelling
-A read "The First Thanksgiving"
-retold story and discussed Pilgrim's reasons form coming to America, their loss of life the first winter, etc.
-Math worksheet- sums of 8-12
-addition and subtraction with regrouping
-basic multiplication
-greater than/less than/equal too - thousands, equations, fractions
-spelling test
-Read 'A Tale of a Tail', a science passage on lizards and answered corresponding comprehension worksheet.
-Listened to a reading of "Amazing Lizards'

Alright so that's what we did this week. Here is a couple of pics of a bit of the math work for this week.

This week we are on Thanksgiving break and are just hanging out enjoying ourselves.


Karin said…
Looks like a great week! Glad to see updates!!