Camp Unangan

Last week was an exciting week for A. She participated in her first day camp. Camp Unangan is a cultural camp put on by our local Parks Culture, and Recreation Division. She had an amazing time learning Unangan words, songs, and stories. Making traditional native crafts, and learning the medicinal properties of local plants. They even gathered medicinal plants, dried them, and created 3 medicines which they were able to bring home. That was definitely A's favorite part.

On the last day they put on a production for parents and Unangan elders. A was nervous but she did a great job and had a lot of fun.

 They served us tea, pickled salmon that they made in class, fried bread and salmonberry jelly. Afterwards, they sang us an Unangan goodbye song. It was beautiful.

It was a great week, It was wonderful to see that even though we homeschool, A can be just fine without me, have a great time learning in a structured setting, and not miss me at all (yep that's what she told me.) LOL.
