Tundra School
Last week was Beautiful! So we did the bulk of our schooling outside....and took Thursday completely off. Hey when the mercury soars to 70 here and the sun is shinning, you have to get out and squeeze every drop out of the day.
We did accomplish a lot from our school week though, felt relaxed, and seemed to get into a groove that I help will stay with us this year. We cracked open the 4th grade math curriculum and I am loving it. A is doing great and we finished chapter 1 today. The sun has been out, the berries are getting close to ripening, and it is almost fireweed honey making time. Life is good...simple, calming, happy.
Dh netted the last of the reds for the year, and we spent all weekend smoking them. Living off the land is satisfying. Cooking and knowing right where our food comes from makes me feel more connected to this beautiful land. I am aiming for preparing fish 3-4 times a week. That, couples with the crab we catch, and the start of duck season this fall, I see a self sufficient life style in our future LOL. You can imagine that makes A very happy with all of here "live off the land plans".
Today A started a week long afternoon day camp. It is taught by a wonderful native woman here on the island and the kids are learning all about native food, medicine, arts, and crafts. Today she came home with medicinal knowledge of 4 local plants, several knew Unangan words, and was able to experience pickling salmon. Something I may have to try my hand at one day. She is loving every minute of it.
Alright, I am off to bed, but first I thought I would share some pics of our "tundra school" :)