A peek into our tot school- 26 months
We are a month into our school year, although last week we really didn't do much as all of us were under the weather. So far this year has been pretty AMAZING! A is LOVING her curriculum and I will be posting more on that tomorrow. For now, I want to focus on little W. He is 26 months old now. He is constantly on the go, amazingly smart, and makes me laugh all day. He's also stubborn and headstrong just like his sister.
Somehow, just like A, he has learned all his letters. Yes, at 26 months he knows all letters, both upper and lowercase, and their sounds. He is constantly pointing out letters in everything he sees. This morning he stretched and crossed his legs and said "look legs make x". He reminds me of A so much.
This weekend I was busy making this awesome tot school board for W.
He had a blast today choosing the weather and dressing the bear.
Just like I did with his big sister, we have lots of Montessori trays out. This one is currently his favorite.
I finally ordered some dot markers and they have been a hit. He loves dotting pages upon pages of paper. Thankfully DH brings scrap paper home for us.
Today he used the markers to identify capital and lowercase As.
Of course with Fall on it's way. We have been reading about apples!
More dot marker fun!
File folder games keep him busy while I help his big sister with her school work.
We've been exploring patterns as well.
Working on number recognition is fun when you get to play with rice.
Anything to keep this little guy busy.
This is his favorite game. He tells me to write letters. I write a bunch on a page and he takes a dot marker and marks them as I say the letter or the sound. It's so adorable and of course the grandparents have received many a video of this.
These puzzles are now to simple for him, but he loves them just the same. *and I love to hear his cute little voice naming the vehicles. Helicopter, just so cute! It's time to order some more complex puzzles I guess.
Well off to bed. Morning comes early, but I hope you enjoyed a peek into our tot school.