A weekend drive- the open prairie
A few weekends ago we had some beautiful days! It's been unseasonably warm and it was the perfect time to just get out and go for a drive. Enjoy all of the beauty that Big Sky Country has to offer!
We loaded in the truck both Saturday and Sunday and headed in opposite directions.
Saturday we headed east into the wide open plains.
With the way the wind blows across this land, wind power makes so much sense.
A clean, renewable source of electricity for our area.
I love the lone farm houses that dot this land. The solitude speaks to my heart.
The Rocky Mountain front is seen in the distance, over a hundred miles away, these giants still tower over the land.
On the prairie one feels so small. The sky so big, the land so open, that you can lose yourself in your thoughts.
Its a different side of Montana that not many people experience. It has a lonesome and haunting beauty all of its on.