Girl Scout Sleepover
Oh boy...was the weekend fun, but tiring! It was the girl scout sleepover and I being a troop leader, chaperoned LOL. I got very, VERY little sleep, but the girls had a lot of fun and it was so great to see A interacting, enjoying herself, and in her element. Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors were all there and all had a great time doing crafts, goofy hair styles, painting nails, playing games, and watching movies.
Pre-sleep over time. All the girls played while they set up their sleeping spots in the sanctuary.
Opening our meeting.
I ran the tie dye station, and DH actually helped out with the younger kids before he headed home for the night.

Settling in for movie time. Foward rolls through the sanctuary.
Goofy A hyped up at almost midnight.
The next morning...bleary eyed but having fun.
All together now!
Such a great weekend. I love these girls. A didn't stay by me for a second. She found her nitch with a group of brownies and spent the whole time just in pure bliss. It was great for me, to watch from the sidelines, as she "socialized". LOL. Don't you know as a homeschooler I hear all the time how homeschool kids will miss out on the coveted "socialization" that they so desperately need. Seeing her just reinforced the faith I have in what we are doing... and that is truly a beautiful thing.
and yes.... I get the depression thing and the isolation (even within my family)
I too wish we lived nearer. The girls can sit and discuss molecules together (LOL) or whatever without the fear of getting "the look" from their friend.
They should be penpals.. or email pals. It would be interesting to see what they would say to each other.