Holiday Pics
I managed to get A to actually stop bouncing around the house long enough the other day to snap some Christmas pics in the Christmas dresses Nana sent. It was a challenge to say the least (My child has the worst fake smile and she was not in the mood, so out of the 60 or so pics I snapped in quick secession, I did manage to get a few adorable ones and thought I'd share!)

Happy Holidays! My mom is currently over the Bering Sea on a little plane, and should be here in a few hours to spend Christmas with us. We can not wait! And to top it all off, we got a fresh dusting of snow last night....right in time for Nana's visit. Off to get her room ready for her. Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!
We put up our tree the day after Thanksgiving and went with a music theme since the big present A asked for is a violin, and yes it is under the tree thanks to Memom and PopPop!
I can't wait to start teaching her. She has been asking to learn since she was 2.