Almost 2! A Peek at Tot School

Tot School!
Oh keeping an almost 2 year old busy can be tough. W is all motion. Go, Go, Go.
It's so much fun. We spend our days reading a million books, walking outside and picking up every rock, pointing out birds and trucks and planes, and well everything else he can spot.

He is just blossoming. He has too many words for me to count. Sentences of 2,4, even 5 words have popped up in the last few weeks. 
He can count to 10 now. 
I actually caught him on video counting his blocks.
 He loves building and does amazing!
 Another favorite pastime is playing with his toy animals and matching them to his animal flash cards.
 Working on fine motor skills is really fun to...especially when you can eat the apple jacks! 
 ...and what could be more fun then coloring with your big sister?!
I hope you enjoyed this peek into our little world.
