My baby is 4!
So why I am awake an uploading pictures at 1:10am....well I am waiting for the tsunami...yep we are under a tsunami warning and I am not going to sleep until after 2:20am and I know we are in the clear. So I thought...what better time to upload these pics from my sweet baby's birthday! Today my little girl turned 4. I can't believe that it has already been 4 years....someone please tell me how they have passed in the blink of an eye? I am so proud of the amazing person she is becoming, but I want to stop time and hold on tight to her right now.
She asked for 2 human body cakes for her birthday. Tall order for mama to fulfill, but she was very detailed in what she wanted and could not be swayed. So here they are. After many many hours of working on these....I give you...the skeletal system and the circulatory system.
I made 2 13x9 sheet cakes, then carved the body shape. Made the white icing and iced each cake. For the blood vessels I used red vines candy and cute and shaped them.

For the bones, I mixed up a batch of yellow icing and used piping, a paint brush, and a tooth pick to create the details, going along after with a tooth pick dipped in yellow food coloring to add further detail to the bones. I was really pleased with how they turned out...but more importantly, so was A!
She asked for 2 human body cakes for her birthday. Tall order for mama to fulfill, but she was very detailed in what she wanted and could not be swayed. So here they are. After many many hours of working on these....I give you...the skeletal system and the circulatory system.
For the bones, I mixed up a batch of yellow icing and used piping, a paint brush, and a tooth pick to create the details, going along after with a tooth pick dipped in yellow food coloring to add further detail to the bones. I was really pleased with how they turned out...but more importantly, so was A!