Doctor appointments
Well A is finally back asleep. It is now a quarter past 11. She has been coughing almost continuously tonight which keeps waking her up. She has to be exhausted.
Dh called me first thing this morning to tell me to bring her into the clinic. She saw Dr. Jen and basically we just have to let this run its course. Its viral. Boo. So no meds to help. On the upside since DH woke us up and I had to hurry, I did not have time to eat breakfast, so since I was unintentionally fasting, I went ahead and got my lab work done that was ordered for me at my appointment last Friday.
I am probably the only person in the world who would rather have blood drawn then pee in a cup LOL. But honestly that was the worst part. I hate peeing in a cup, I always have. I remember even as a child hating it, and man that was my least favorite part of all the appointments I had when pregnant with A LOL. The blood draw was a breeze. He took 3 or 4 vials I think. Not sure what all she is testing, I know cholesterol and all of that, but she is also checking my liver and kidney function to see if there was an residual damage from the preeclampsia I had with A. Hopefully not. My Blood Pressure was up at my appointment, but honestly the doctor and I both think it is some post traumatic stress issues from my whole pregnancy. At home it is completely normal, and I have taken it several times the last few days to check. Yep...completely fine. I was concerned that my reflexes are still so brisk 4 years after the preeclampsia, but apparently that's not really an issue, although Jen and I did have fun checking them all and seeing them bounce LOL. Her's are brisk to so we had to of course have a competition to see whose were the most brisk LOL. Got to love seeing a doc who is also a friend.
Anyway, a few more days until A and I head for warmer weather, and I can not wait! It's been cold, blowing, and snowy here. I can not wait to step outside and feel warmth. 4 days till we leave, 5 days till I walk off the plane and feel the warm southern weather! Yea!!
Dh called me first thing this morning to tell me to bring her into the clinic. She saw Dr. Jen and basically we just have to let this run its course. Its viral. Boo. So no meds to help. On the upside since DH woke us up and I had to hurry, I did not have time to eat breakfast, so since I was unintentionally fasting, I went ahead and got my lab work done that was ordered for me at my appointment last Friday.
I am probably the only person in the world who would rather have blood drawn then pee in a cup LOL. But honestly that was the worst part. I hate peeing in a cup, I always have. I remember even as a child hating it, and man that was my least favorite part of all the appointments I had when pregnant with A LOL. The blood draw was a breeze. He took 3 or 4 vials I think. Not sure what all she is testing, I know cholesterol and all of that, but she is also checking my liver and kidney function to see if there was an residual damage from the preeclampsia I had with A. Hopefully not. My Blood Pressure was up at my appointment, but honestly the doctor and I both think it is some post traumatic stress issues from my whole pregnancy. At home it is completely normal, and I have taken it several times the last few days to check. Yep...completely fine. I was concerned that my reflexes are still so brisk 4 years after the preeclampsia, but apparently that's not really an issue, although Jen and I did have fun checking them all and seeing them bounce LOL. Her's are brisk to so we had to of course have a competition to see whose were the most brisk LOL. Got to love seeing a doc who is also a friend.
Anyway, a few more days until A and I head for warmer weather, and I can not wait! It's been cold, blowing, and snowy here. I can not wait to step outside and feel warmth. 4 days till we leave, 5 days till I walk off the plane and feel the warm southern weather! Yea!!