What I've been up to.... I opened an ETSY shop

That's right.....I finally did it. I opened my etsy shop....now lets see if anything sells. Kookie Nut Creations is now open. I have been having fun making bows, clips, and headbands for Ansley and so I decided to try my hand at selling them. I've also made some thins for mom....things I love to wear. I am hoping to bring in some money to add to our adoption fund. We are not anywhere even close to being able to start the process now. It hurts my heart that it takes so much. We have been through so much the past few years and are finally settled, but our family does not feel complete. I wish it was easy for us to just make the decision and try for another child....but I want A to have a mom and my husband to have a wife, and well my body just can not handle it. I almost died with A, and still have some after effects, so that is out of the question....jut hurts....anyway, that is enough rambling. Don't know what took me in that direction. I think just finding out that another of my friends from college just had her second baby, no problems, no complications, so easy.

Anyway.....so much for that. But this is what I have been busy with...so please go check it out. A little shameless self promotion on my part LOL.


Joyful Learner said…
Cute! I made some hairpins for our girl too but nowhere as cute as yours! And you have a terrific model!

I've always wanted to adopt even before I had JC but it's such a huge process and right now, we're very happy with one. We had her very late and my pregnancy and first year was very difficult so I'm just thankful we have her in our lives.

Best wishes on the adoption process.
Congrats! That's super exciting!!
Amanda said…
Thank you both!

JC- I here you about difficult pregnancies and the thankfulness you feel. Ansley is truely our miracle child...and expensive one at that lOL with all the hospital bills for the both of us.

My husband is adopted from Korea, his aunt is as well, and his niece. So we have kind of always expected we would adopt one day, but now it is the only way to grow our family. We are just praying for the Lord to open up doors and saving every penny we can. Plus crossing our fingers that DH gets a nice big bonus check this year....that would really help, but who knows. :)