Little W and Preschool
Oh man, it has been months since I posted. Life has gotten in the way. We moved to a new house, had Christmas, family to visit, my violin students had there recital.... well just life.
But I'm back and thought I would share what the little guy has been up to the last month.
We officially started our homeschool preschool at the beginning of January.
Look at that smile on his face!
He is so like his sister was at this age. Into everything, wanting to learn, reading sight words, and wanting to do school just like his big sister.
I found this letter game in the dollar section at Target and little W loves sounding out each letter and building words.
I picked up these musical instruments in a safari toob at Michaels and printed out some instrument cards for him to match. He's enjoying learning the names of all the instruments.
He's been sorting coins. We started with just pennies and quarters but have moved on to all coins.
I have a bunch of preK/K file folder games that he LOVES to work with although they are pretty easy, so I need to purchase some more difficult ones. He reminds me of how his big sister would fly through things at this age.
We are working on tracing. He loves the Usborne wipe clean books. He's definitely not where A was on writing at this age, but every kid is different and just like with her, I follow his lead.
We've been working on beginning letter sound. I love these felt letters from Target. They are so much fun to use.
Matching is such a huge activity for him right now. Here W is matching close up of animal skins to their matching animal.
I think we play this game "That's Not My Underpants" everyday. It is a total favorite in our house.
W is into finding letters in everything...lines, shadows, you name it.
He is even building letters with his cars.
W keeps himself pretty busy. Transferring activities are a lot of fun and we use pom poms a lot. LOL
I picked up some felt numbers at Target too, and W decided to put the correct number of pom poms on each one.
Sequencing with our wood bead set is always fun.
We are working on rhyming words and W is getting pretty good at it.
Puzzles are always fun. You can see big sister working on school work in the background.
W got a set of pattern blocks for Christmas and loves them.
I also made some pattern strips for him to use with them. I remember doing this activity with his big sister.
He pulled out the Qwirkle game that A and I play and decided to use the blocks to make patterns.
I love how his little mind works.
Well that was a long update. I hope you enjoyed the peek into our life. I promise to keep up with the blog more.
Tomorrow I will post about what A has been doing.