Growing so fast
Little W is growing so fast. He's not a little baby anymore. Everyday he is more and more his own little person. He knows all his letters and their sounds, can count to 30, knows a few sight words, and is constantly exploring an on the go.
We had an exceptionally warm November day last week. The temperature soared to almost 70. The sun was out and A went fishing with dad. Little W and I took a walk and enjoyed the wonderful day.
So like his sister; he hates to stop long enough to get his picture taken, but I did manage to get a few.
This little guy makes me smile.
I love the beautiful sky. It's no wonder Montana is called "Big Sky Country". The Rocky Mountains on the horizon make my heart sing.
My little guy looks so grown up in this picture.
It was nice to have some one on one time with this little man.