Oh where has the time gone?
My little guy turned 1 year old at the end of last month! As I lay in bed snuggling him tonight I am amazed again at how quickly life moves as an adult. I remember the long days of childhood stretching endlessly before me growing up and looking with bewilderment at my mom as she spoke about the swift passage of time. I get it now mom. I wish I could freeze moments like these and yet I look forward with anticipation to watch my sweet boy blossom into his own little person.
At one, my little preemie has miraculously filled out to a plump 20lbs and some change. He is goofy, and stubborn, cuddly yet independent. On his birthday he was standing, now two weeks later he is walking! Well trying to run technically or looking like a little drunken sailor as he stumbles around, but either way it's really cute!
My little guy was completely unsure about this whole cake thing.
He finally got into it, but it lasted all of 2 minutes before the tears started.
A quick dunk in the baby pool to clean off and it was time to open presents.
I can't believe an entire year has passed. I love you little dude.
Little W already has a favorite show. He has loved the backyardigans since he was 7 months old. When it comes on he squeals, bounces, and dances along through the entire show, so of course we had to do a Pablo cake for his birthday. I spent all day in the kitchen but it was totally worth it!
May you have an awesome year (and life) full of fun, adventure, and most of all LOVE.