Summer Vacation

We are on summer vacation here, so I haven't been blogging much. Decided to take some time off from homeschooling even though we usually school year around. This was decided for several reasons... One, I want to change up how we do things and I need some planning time. The other reason, well life just is getting in the way. With the re-siding of the house still going on, we took a trip to Wasilla, Ak to visit friends. We are back now, but the work continues for a few more days. Still to much noise to be concentrating in this house LOL. So our break continues. My mom just came in on Thursday and will be here though mid July and we are enjoying our time with her! After she leaves we will be testing out our new homeschool schedule and seeing if it works and what needs changing. What we like, and what we don't. We will do this for 3 will kind of be our test run, to iron out any kinks before the real school year begins. Then we will break while Dh's family comes in to visit, and when they leave our new school year will start. This should give me plenty of planning time so I wont feel like I am always playing catch up and give us a chance to chill and recharge our batteries. A has been missing school though...she has been working on her own anyway...LOL...I just cant stop her from learning. Amazing.

Anyway, here are some pics from our trip. We headed up to Talkeetna, AK and it was beautiful.

