Balance Play- A Homemade Outdoor Play Space

I would love to have a play set for A, but that's cost prohibitive, especially with shipping to this island, so we did the next best thing. Created some balance play in the area in front of the house.

A balance beam, and a I have know clue what to call this.... a walking board maybe? LOL. It balances like a see-saw, but you walk it, and keep your balance as it moves with your weight....or you can see-saw on it. :) Either way, fun!

They were so plain looking that A and I decided to paint them! Thanks to MeMom we had a whole lot of outdoor paints. They are so pretty now.

Hours of fun, created for free with pieces of wood we found lying around the island. The stump was drift wood washed up on the beach, the other to boards are for various places around the island, its amazing how much wood is just lying around on the sides of roads here LOL. A loves it, it's great for improving coordination and balance, and it's free. Anyone else feel like sharing some homemade outdoor play spaces?


Donna King said…
I am a professor of child development and needed some images to show my students to illustrate the concept of allowing children to take calculated risks. I also wanted to show them examples of inspired environments that vary the physical play of young children. These photos are fantastic. Might I use them in a powerpoint lecture?
Amanda said…
Professor King,

Thank you for the compliment. Yes you may use them. Also check out the newest addition to our play area, the toadstools I made from old cable spools. Ansley uses them to jump and step from one to another. They can be found here...

Again, thank you.
