Yay for a new school year!
We are both so excited with our curriculum choices this year and I want to share with all of you.
I honestly think this is going to be the best year yet!
So what did we chose?
Our main curriculum is Build Your Library- 8th Grade
This year we are studying world history through the lens of scientific discoveries! Yep, right up A's alley.
We are reading some AMAZING books this year!
The Story of Science: Aristotle Leads the Way
The Story of Science: Newton at the Center
The Story of Science: Einstein Adds a New Dimension
The Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia
Astronomy for All Ages: Discovering The Universe Through Activities For Children And Adults
The Cartoon Guide to Physics
Relativity and Quantum Physics For Beginners
Thames & Kosmos Classic Science Milestones in Science Kit
History: From the Dawn of Civilization to the Present Day
Archers, Alchemists, and 98 Other Medieval Jobs You Might Have Loved or Loathed
Shakespeare: His Work and His World
Sugar Changed the World: A Story of Magic, Spice, Slavery, Freedom, and Science
Bomb: The Race to Build--and Steal--the World's Most Dangerous Weapon
Favorite Poems Old and New: Selected For Boys and Girls
The Golden Goblet
The Sand-Reckoner
Fahrenheit 451: A Novel
A Midsummer Night's Dream
A Parcel of Patterns
Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time
The True Adventures of Charley Darwin
To Kill a Mockingbird
The House of the Scorpion
The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True
Archimedes and the Door of Science
The High Crusade
The Canterbury Tales
The Second Mrs. Gioconda
Along Came Galileo
Carry On, Mr. Bowditch
The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements
Itch: The Explosive Adventures of an Element Hunter
Animal Farm
Radioactive: Marie & Pierre Curie: A Tale of Love and Fallout
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Code Talker: A Novel About the Navajo Marines of World War Two
A Brief History of Time
Art That Changed the World
Living Math:
Can You Count in Greek?: Exploring Ancient Number Systems
The Math Book: From Pythagoras to the 57th Dimension, 250 Milestones in the History of Mathematics
Five Equations that Changed the World
Fibonacci Fun: Fascinating Activities With Intriguing Numbers
Doesn't that sound AMAZING!
For added science this year we are using:
Oak Meadow's High School Biology
Athena's Advanced Academy- Comparative Invertebrate Anatomy Course and the Mostly Microbes Class.
A is also taking Pre-Algebra this first semester, and then starting on Algebra 1 for Tablet Class
Spanish is still through Middlebury Interactive which we did last year.
Now on to our first day!
We started back to school August 8th.
Every day, I give A this daily list of assignments. It is an easy way for her to stay on task and for me to see what she has completed. She is working pretty independently this year.
A has since finished the book- Magic of Reality and really enjoyed it. It is a very thought provoking book on how we know what we know. It prompted many a great discussion over the past 2 weeks.
I have always been a fan of Teaching Textbooks, but this year I decided to see if something different would be a better fit for A and I think I have found it in the little known and definitely underrated Tablet Class.
This program is AMAZING!
It was designed by a middle and high school master level math teacher.
He does video lectures that she watches first and takes notes on.
Then she has several sets of problems to complete.
I print out the questions for her and she solves them. Then she can check her answers and watch the videos on how to solve the problems step by step if needed.
A has already had 2 weeks in her Comparative Invertebrate Anatomy course and is loving it so far!
Her Mostly Microbes course starts in October.
It's going to be a great year!