missing teeth, girl scout cookies, and a growing belly
Wow, I had good intentions, but this week with DH gone, then time to blog just got away from me. There's so much going on around here. Some news that I can't wait to share with yall, but I think I have to wait another day or so.
Anyway, Dh comes home tomorow (weather permitting) and I can not wait. I have missed him so much this week.
A and I have been busy. She lost a tooth Saturday and another one is close to coming out as well.
She was just so excited. Her first tooth, out 2 weeks before her 7th birthday!
We've been busy sorting and delivering almost 400 boxes of girl scout cookies that A sold...
and my belly has been busy growing!
Here I am at 16 and 1/2 weeks. Taken about a weeks ago.
Can't believe how fast it is going.
Well, I am headed to bed, praying DH is able to fly in tomorrow.
And hopefully you stay tuned to hear my news soon!