Rain Rain Go Away!
Hello all! Sorry I haven't written in a while. I have been so busy trying to finish up my homemade Christmas presents so I can get them in the mail. I am almost done with my last set. Definitely a labor intensive effort, but I love what I am making. I will post pics AFTER the holidays. I can't spoil it for everyone right? Anyway, DH was out of town all last week and it poured rain. In fact, it is still raining....we have had over 18 inches of rain in the past week! I think A and I are both going a bit stir crazy. Today my house even started leaking. The microwave has filled with water! Yikes! I called our landlord and she sent someone right up, but of course until the rain lets up, he can't get on the roof and fix the leak that is coming from the vent. The next few days don't look much better either. Well, I have lots of pics to post and to catch you all up on what we have been doing, but for tonight I am going to keep working on presents and y'all will just have to wait a few more days for more of me :) Night all!